Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Recommendation and Endorsement Letter Writers: Click Here
LECTURER, Theory of Computing (TOC)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Position Overview
LECTURER, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) with a focus on introductory undergraduate theoretical computer science (algorithms and/or discrete math). Full-time participant in educational activities during the academic terms (Fall, Independent Activities Period (IAP), and Spring).
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
Responsibilities include interacting with students, e.g. by lecturing, leading recitations, or staffing lab and office hours; creating content, such as lecture materials, problem sets, quizzes, videos, and other on-line materials; carrying out administrative responsibilities, such as locating, hiring, and supervising course staff, record-keeping, and interacting with the Department and Registrar; and possibly participating in the creation or migration of courses onto OpenCourseWare and/or MITx. Other duties as needed or required.
Course assignment will include some of the following and may include other related courses: Introduction to Algorithms (6.1210), Design and Analysis of Algorithms (6.1220), Mathematics for Computer Science (6.1200 and 6.120A). Responsibilities also include curriculum revisions and improvements to the courses listed. Research opportunities may arise, such as co-supervision of undergraduate or master's projects.
Supervision Received:
Will report to the EECS department head
Supervision Exercised:
Supervises Teaching and Laboratory Assistants and other course staff.
Qualifications & Skills:
- PhD in topical area related to responsibilities.
- Significant successful teaching experience in related undergraduate courses.
- A demonstrated interest in educational innovation.
Appointment Details:
- The position will be an academic year appointment.
- Initial appointment will be for two years, with potential for appointment extensions.
- Position start date could be as soon as January 15, 2025, though can be negotiated.
In addition to applying via the MIT website, all applicants must also register with and submit all application materials to the EECS search website at
Application Materials:
All applicants should provide:
- A cover letter speaking to qualifications and preferred course assignments.
- A teaching statement specifying teaching beliefs and practices.
- A CV listing educational background, publications, talks, and other applicable experience.
- Two letters of recommendation from previous teaching experience(s).
MIT is an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin. MIT's full policy on Nondiscrimination can be found at the following:
Employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background check.
For general questions, technical issues, or problems submitting documents, please contact